Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007, Manhattan, NY

We wish our Jason F. a happy birthday! Too bad he couldn't join us for a little celebration dinner of our own at a little Thai place in midtown NYC. Our newlyweds, Jeff L. & Elena L., officially announced their pregnancy! (I had no idea...!) W/us this night were the wonderful Marisa B., the motherly Galit E., the lithe Emma S., the lovely Nicole A., the irrepressible Oleg R. & my loving & lovable wife, Catherine. Our little flying family is growing...!

Earlier in the day, I got to speak w/young Leah B. about flying, Club Get Away & being a sophomore in high school. It's easy to forget her age b/c she carries herself so well professionally as well as in the air.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It always surprises me when you call me "motherly". Out of all the adjectives I would have chosen for myself, that would be at the bottom of the list... Congrats Jeff and Elena! Despite not being motherly, I love little babies, (since they don't talk back) and would love to babysit some time. XO