Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007, Brooklyn, NY & Kamarina, Sicily

I had the pleasure of working w/our crazily agile, powerful & warm Christine C. as well as our fearless leader, Bobby H. We had our fun w/the birthday party for little Gemma. Her little friend, Helena, stayed on the rig w/Gemma longer than the rest of their friends could bear. Parents, Dorothy & Stanton, tried out flying, too, before watching both Gemma & Helena accomplish some legs catches w/our Bobby!

The European exploring Leslie F. flew at a resort in Kamarina on Sicily! She caught her B/E Splits & Uprise Shoot w/the team of Denis, Jay & Melinda! Great work, Leslie! Our flying family is far & wide but always close at heart...!

"The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams

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