Accomplishing her "Clap" helped the wonderful Marisa B. get her elusive Straddle Cut/Catch! The sometimes-nice Galit E. was breaking a few eggs, working on her Straddle bar mount & having fun the whole while. The unknowingly adept Allegra H. honed her F/E Uprise, Back Hip Circle, Shoot before (giving me an incredulous look and) starting on her Pirouette/360. Tall Flyer, Renee F., tried out her Straddle Cut/Catch again before raising her game to remount the pedestal for her 1st times from her Turn Around! And, the flyer formerly known as Amy W. (subbing in for Elena G.) dusted off her Straddle Cut/Catch before trying out & getting her Reverse Suicide for her 1st time!
The strong Julien B. honed his Force Out Turn Around & tried his hand at the Reverse Suicide after honing his non-politically correct "Salute"! The talented Janelle H. repeatedly remounted the pedestal before getting her "Salute" & "Clap"! I feel it's time for Janelle to start on her B/E Uprise. The elegant Maryam W. is getting ever-closer to mounting that elusive B/E Uprise & getting her Turn Around! The lithe Emma S. is slowly making progress w/her Turn Around & Suicide. The highly proficient Lisa B. warmed up out of lines before trying out her Straddle Cut/Catch & F/E Uprise.

Since our Manny M. couldn't teach this night, our Jeff L. took some precious time away from his corp life & loving wife to help teach our Skills Program.
If any of my flyers have any video they want me to include on my updates, let me know. Check out the videos of the Espana/Streb Benefit & other videos I've included on my previous postings! See you again soon! Same fly time, same fly channel...!
Marisa used "fiesty" -- I like that one. Can you use that from now on?
"Fiesty" is a good one! That wonderful & single Marisa... always thinking! Fine, I'll use it when you're nice. Anyone else out there have any preferences on their descriptions?! xo
hey dino- we both spelled it wrong. The wonderful and single Marisa did not, however. It's "feisty"
Yes, I see. I was thinking "fiesta!" b/c we all know you're a party. xo
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