Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007, Brooklyn, NY

Wednesday night's last session of the latest Crunch, Bounce & Fly was one of those nights I didn't want to end...! It was full of fun, agile students who unexpectedly packed the class to it's brim!

The newest addition to staff, YK, flew w/us for her 1st time, dusting off her Set Planche & Set Whip before trying out the Set Straddle Whip for her 1st time! Our Manny had a strange time trying to catch her as she repeatedly swatted his hands away at catch-point! The very agile & energetic newcomer, "Shem" (Yushemepree (sp?)), learned that flying trapeze isn't at 1st about the power but the timing & finesse as he made his 1st catches ever! The powerful, promising & agile Cassandra not only dusted off her Knee Hang catches but also learned AND caught her Set Splits w/barely any instruction & virtually no practice! She also has a beautiful, natural force out in the apron once in Manny's hands! Like Christine C., I can hardly wait to see what she's capable of!

The determined & fun Alex K. got her back to the net/mat w/her B/E positions & half turns down by applying some kindly violence! Type A Elena G. ripped her hand on her 1st swing of the night, so spent some time honing her static locks & playing on the single trap. Young & explosive "Ace" has more than enough power as he slowly smooths it all out. He made a few B/E Planche catches w/our Manny, too! The bubbly & flexible dancer, Beckley, made a few nice Knee Hang catches w/our Manny & tried out her (incredibly flexible) Set Splits for her 1st time.

Newcomer (yet VERY experienced flyer, Lisa, took a few swings & bounced a little on the trampoline. She has flown professionally w/the Caseras (sp?) family! I hope Lisa joins our merry band of instructors as I'm sure she can lend even more expertise w/a different eye to our flyers. And, the ever-smiling & self-proclaimed geek, Rebecca S., had an epiphany last night! She flew better than she ever has before! Rebecca's take-off was smoother & stronger; her swing was better timed; and, she was bringing herself down to the mat flatter than even she thought possible! Great flying, Rebecca!

"Advice from a veteran trapeze performer: Throw your heart over the bars & your body will follow." - unknown

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