The feisty Galit E. warmed up out of lines, worked on recreating her Mod catch/return & made some B/E catches. Type A Elena G. worked towards feeling what it was like to have her B/E Splits w/very loose lines in hopes of someday having it out of lines. French, tres beau Emmanuelle C. honed her Turn Around & learned to plant her feet on the pedestal to eventually remount the board!
Here's Emmanuelle's Turn Around:
The strong Doug F. took his last flying class for a while. He swung into his B/E Planche & did some pretty nice cradles in the trampoline!
Here's Doug on the trampoline:
The lithe & worldly Emma S. once again tried to conquer her Turn Around before making some nice B/E catches.
Pictures of Emma:
The tense-muscled Lex R. also tried out his Turn Around before throwing some Hox Off catches at our Jeff L.; if only he'd keep his head up! The elegant & determined Maryam W. made some progress again w/her Turn Around & went for some more B/E Splits catches, but the returns eluded her this night. The powerful & very adept Allegra G. bettered her B/E Straddle Whip catches after doing some nice flips on the trampoline! The wayward Maggie F. returned to the air to work her swing w/a great force out! We hope to see her more often. And, one of the biggest victories in recent memories happened: Jen R. has conquered her Turn Around!! She worked for it & wanted it for so long w/inconsistent results until tonight! Congratulations, Jen!
"I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things..." - Antoine de St-Exupery
I realised something as I was falling asleep last night! I was wondering why, last Thursday, I kept on throwing my legs forward when I turned after being caught, trying to catch the bar, while I'd never done it before. And it dawned upon me that it's because of my piky turnarounds! I had to work so much to convince my legs to be in front of me for the turnaround, that now I just reproduce it on the catch... Now how I am ever going to unlearn that...
See, Emmanualle! That's what I'm talking about when I said you can learn all this very fast. You're able to "program" your mind & your body follows pretty well. Now, we just have to get tell your mind & body exactly the right stuff. No worries, you'll get it all soon...
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