Monday, August 27, 2007

Sunday, August 26, 2007, Brooklyn, NY

The 1st class of the day was a delight to teach! The young, talented & beautiful Maya F. was taking some swings & learning fast on this day before returning to high school. She honed her swing before showing us how easy her 1st B/E Uprise Shoot is for her! Maya then quickly graduated to the Uprise Forward Over before making some Shoot catches w/our Manny.

Maya's Uprise Shoot:

Maya's Uprise Forward Over:

Maya's Uprise Shoot catch:

Little, tense-bodied Paulina was back for more! Her hips hurt too much for her to continue on w/her Pull Over Shoot from Friday, but she learned to relax a little while practicing the B/E of her swing. Paulina then made a F/E Straddle Whip catch w/Manny even as fatigue set in.

The quiet Jen M. progressed w/her F/E Whip & Pull Over Shoot rather well before making some catches w/our Manny.

Jen M.'s Pull Over Shoot:

Jen's F/E Whip:

British Josie N. represented for her & her sister as her sister took ill & couldn't take the class. Josie practiced to perfection & made her 1st Knee Hang catches w/our Susie W. Young, earnest Sophia dusted off her F/E Bird's Nest before practicing her F/E Splits. She then went on to make her 1st ever Birdie catch w/our Susie!

Our Susie's swing has gotten so much more powerful in the past few months. She went from "mule kick" to relaxed swing to her present swing w/real sweeps! Take a look:

"It doesn't work to leap a twenty-foot chasm in two ten-foot jumps." - American proverb

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