Sunday, September 2, 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007, Brooklyn, NY

I haven't been an instructor on Monday nights for a while; it appears that there's a growing number of regulars for that night...!

I got the pleasure of flying once again w/the lissom Ann W. She was playing around w/her myriad of tricks before throwing & catching her Forward Over w/me! I haven't gotten to fly w/the free spirited Marcie B. is so long. Her swing has gotten nice & consistent; she should be working on only B/E tricks! (Hint, hint) Marcie (too) easily made her F/E Whip catches. The agile Kitao S. grows in strength & prowess by each time I see him! His Double Back Tuck is good to go; we just need to hang for it before the night grows long & he grows fatigued! Our Bobby's friend, CJ, made his 1st KH catch ever! Pragmatic Edie compared teaching styles & lingo as she tweaked her B/E
Split & made a catch. The powerful & tight Keith bettered his B/E Planche by keeping his head up.

My Catherine R.S. returned to the air to work on the B/E of her swing w/promising results! The strong & even-tempered Lex R.'s swing is stronger than ever as he fights to take the "bounce" out of his B/E Straddle Whip. Brawny Egon worked on his F/E Straddle Whip before making a Hox style KH catch. Rounding out the night, Angela B. made her 1st F/E Splits catch!

"Not only is another world possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." - Arundhati Roy

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