Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wednesday, August 22, 2007, Brooklyn, NY

We started off this night w/our weekly staff training. Allyssa M. practiced her safety lines pulling as well as being a guinea pig for others. Tanya E. has gotten her B/E Splits down so well & even commands the descent to the mat/net w/perfect flatness! Newcomer Egon was introduced to the basic technique of catcher's locks before trying his hand at a F/E Straddle Whip. The industrious YK H. is looking smoother than ever w/her board work even as she hones her swing. Denise M. stopped by for a bit to work her swing, help out & go for some catches w/our Manny M.! Ami I. got a crash course in F/E flying trapeze positions before finding the tempo of her swing. And, Eli's catcher's locks were looking so good that he made he caught his 1st flyer ever! Congratulations, Eli!

High-flyer Julian B. brought in his own group of French flyers including Eloise, Simone , Catherine & Anna. I got to practice my French commands w/decent success! They even said I have a slight "Quebec" accent (no doubt from my time at Club Med & from my multilingual wife!). Our Bobby did the catching. Julian practiced his Uprise Shoot before making Splits & Straddle Whip catches! And, young Eloise made here 1st ever Knee Hang catch!

"Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living." - Anais Nin

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