Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007, Brooklyn, NY

I find myself a very lucky man in so many ways. Each Tuesday night is so much fun as I get to fly & teach & laugh & learn w/friends so dear, exciting, hardworking & gifted...!

The powerful & unknowingly adept Allegra G. honed her Planche in pursuit of her Planche Turn Around:

Here's Allegra practicing her 360 Pirouette:

The comely, quick study, Kristy M., was introduced to single hand releases ("Salute") & finished her turns off w/some Reverse Suicides. She bettered her Turn Around w/planting her ft on the pedestal board in pursuit of remounting soon:

Feisty Galit E. is getting in some classes before she leaves us for a while to travel abroad w/Thing 1 & Thing 2. She's mustering through her Pirouettes & making her Uprise Mod look even better! The worldly & lithe Emma S. tackled her Planche Turn Around for her 1st time & even got it towards the end of the night!

The intense & determined Renee F. finally conquered her Swivel Hips on the trampoline! Congratulations, Renee!
(video to be inserted)

Here's Renee's 1st attempt at learning to re-grip on the b/e of her swing in preparation for turn arounds:

The elegant Maryam W. managed to learn her Planche Turn Around in one night! Nice flying, Maryam! Check it out:

The lovely & agile Nicole A. tried cleaning up her Uprise Fwd Over:

Here's Nicole practicing her Seat Drops on the trampoline:

And, here I am demonstrating the Planche Turn Around for the students:

We're going to be introducing the next round of our programs in Streb's space starting in August! Potentially, we may try to run weekend programs if there's enough demand. So, sound out & speak up about what you want, when you want it, what we've been doing well that you already like & how we can make things better for your flying overall.

"Go & wake up your luck." (Persian saying)

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