Awesome Allegra G. is getting back on that horse by honing her B/E Uprise Fwd Over. The nubile Nicole A. warmed up out of lines before making some easy B/E Splits catches & returns. Lovable Lauri W. has a much improved swing! It's only a short amount of time before she's conquering her B/E positions like dominoes! The urbane Maryam W. practiced her Planche Turn Around before snagging some B/E Whip catches. Frantic Fran is recapturing what she learned at CG but still rushing for her returns. Nurse Leslie W.'s had a breakthrough w/her take-off & swing as they are suddenly better than ever! Great flying, Leslie! And, she caught her 1st B/E Splits! Tight Thais K.'s form is SO much better as she worked on her Layout!
Psychological Susan worked on her B/E Whip & smoothed out her take-off. You're getting there, Susan! Stalwart Lex R.'s swing has become more powerful as he smoothes out his take-off & lifts his toes more in the F/E of his swing! French Emmanuelle C. learned her Cut Away w/some nice, initial results before making some B/E Straddle Whip catches. The lithe & worldly Emma S. got some really nice POP in her swing & force out! Compared to a yr ago, Emma's become much tighter & stronger than we expected! And, Sharron (sans her normal pigtails) learned & caught her Hox Off all in one night!
"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." - Albert Camus
"The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." - Allan K. Chalmers
As w/that last quote, for some of us, flying trapeze encompasses all three essentials...!
Have a great day.
Me "sneaking" a kiss w/my Catherine after (during!) a catch. (Talk about happiness...!)

Ah ah ah thanks for not mentioning what happened after 'the initial results' on my cut away!
that is such a beautiful picture!
I agree great pic, thanks for the romance!
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