Monday, December 3, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007, Brooklyn, NY

Tonight was a time where time brought some friends back, caused some to revisit tricks & others to realize new accomplishments...!

The feisty Galit E. is commanding her Mod very well. Worldly & lithe Emma S. stopped in for a short while to take a few swings. The determined Emily S. made 3 returns in a row! The uber-capable Emma G. returned to our little circle to dust off her Layout, Fwd Over, Shoot & Split. The powerful & incredibly adept Molly G. is in pursuit of her Full Twisting Layout again. The sometimes frantic-flying Fran S. is learning to smoothly remount the pedestal board.

W/her bionic shoulder, Denise M. caught her B/E Planche for her 1st time! And, for some really big news: Tanya E. made her 1st OOL catches! After working so hard & diligently on taking her B/E Splits OOL for months, her efforts paid off & she made her catches very safely & w/o question! Thank you, Tanya, for your hard work & faith in our instruction & guidance.

Tanya E.'s B/E Splits catch OOL!

"I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen." - Frank Lloyd Wright

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