Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, Brooklyn, NY

I hope everyone enjoyed a very nice & relaxing Thanksgiving. And, I'd like to wish Lisa R., Emma S. & Liz C. happy birthdays! They each celebrated recent birthdays.

Just last night, we had a cool flying & a wayward friend joined us again after some time apart. Here are some of the highlights...!

Old friend, flyer & fellow instructor, Scott S. tweaked his swing on our little rig. Then, he dusted off his Uprise Shoot & Fwd Over before making a catch w/the Fwd Over w/me!

Allegra G. warmed up her catches w/our Manny w/o the return bar at first:

Then, Allegra added the bar to the mix, but took it slowly:

Finally, Allegra made her 2nd ever full round trip!

Karen D. learned & caught her B/E Bird's Nest for her 1st time all in one class!

Here's Emmanuelle C. doing her modified Bird's Nest/Heels Off/Table Top w/a return to topped them off!

Coupled w/another of Emmanuelle's Birdie, here is a testament to Manny's prowess on the safety lines!

And, for some more big news: Kristy M.'s Cut Away Return! Here are some of her attempts & close calls!

And, here's Kristy's triumphant Cut Away Return!

Here's another, broader perspective (from our video playback system) of Kristy's return:

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France

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