Monday, October 15, 2007

Thursday, October 11, 2007, Brooklyn, NY

Right around this date marks the 6 year anniversary of the 1st time I ever touched a flying trapeze...! I remember going to Club Med, Turks & Caicos. Someone said to me, "You know, you should try trapeze. I think you'd like it..." Six years, hundreds of students, thousands of catches, a number of tricks (including a Double...!), millions of memories, dozens of dear friends & one beautiful wife later, here I am w/you. What a hell of a trip.

The comely Kristy M. took her swing OOL for her 1st time & nailed her Cut Away return (still sans a bar for now) again! Talented & hardworking Lisa B. & feisty Galit E. were working on catching & returning OOL. W/a brief flash of patience, Emily S. made her 1st return ever! Great work, Emily! Emma S. did double duty (making up a class) to work on her Hox Saulto. Intense Jen R. easily made a round trip w/her B/E Splits as if it were so "last week". Oh-so-cute & intelligent Suzanne M. did her 1st Cut Away Halves! The very talkative-in-the-air Leslie W. was making her B/E Straddle Whip catches. The elegant Maryam W. was nice enough to stop by to drop off Galit's static bar & our fly bar. The positive Renee F. was in pursuit of recreating her B/E Planche catch OOL.

"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning." - Ivy Baker Priest

"Reality is the beginning not the end,
Naked Alpha, not the hierophant Omega,
Of dense investiture, with luminous vassals." - Wallace Stevens

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