We wish Maya F. the happiest of birthdays!
It was an easy night at Streb starting w/our staff training & flying followed by a nice little class...
Ami I. worked the board a little more in prep for this Sunday's TV taping. The burly Egon is looking more comfortable on the pedestal board. Eli worked the board for his 1st time. Highly-skilled Lisa R. was throwing Double Pikes. Intense Lizzy H. was tweaking her Layout. YK & Keith practiced on lines & commands a little more. Whit C. tried out her 1st Layout w/some very good results!
In the class that followed, there was Jason the natural, his slightly timid girlfriend Anthia & YK's friend, Sabelo. Jason easily mastered the Knee Hang & made two catches before being introduced to the Set Planche.
All the while in the back drop of our flying, Fabio was teaching a packed class of his popular Flip/Tuck. And, then we had some lovely ladies (unknown to me as of now) doing some beautiful silks moves.
"When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self." - Confucius
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007, Brooklyn, NY
This Tuesday's Swing, Catch & Return class was a great one w/some 1st times & growing prowess...!
After learning to remount the pedestal board on her 1st swing (using a quarter-turn) despite her considerable power, cool-customer Allegra G. made her 1st ever out of lines ("OOL" as penned by Jen R.) catch!! She accomplished it using her B/E Straddle Whip. Congratulations, Allegra. Welcome to the next level of your flying.
Allegra's 1st catch (B/E Straddle Whip) out of lines! (Notice the contained smile...)
Allegra's 2nd catch out of lines!
Speaking of the ever-positive Jen R., she learned to press well on her returns. Jen, remember when you wanted your 1st returns so badly? Now, full round trips are almost old hat! Elegant Maryam W. competently worked through our curriculum requirements including turn arounds & half turns. Determined Tanya E. practiced her B/E Splits w/a half turn to the net/mat before making some easy catches.
Tall, smiling Max R. worked out his hands to the point of bleeding, but he accomplished his 1st ever B/E catches ever (using his planche)! Newly minted prodigy Karen G. won some incredulous eye-daggers by also doing her 1st B/E catches ever (using her Splits), too! The adorable Lauri W. was looking buff as she found a nice, consistency w/the tempo of her swing! And, she's getting ever-closer to making her B/E Splits! Soon enough, Lauri. Then, mark my words, you'll be looking back at all this w/a laugh.
The previously feisty Galit E. is not only catching her B/E Planche OOL but also working her returns OOL now! Nice work, Galit. Interesting Colleen P. & bright-spirited Lidia T. are both learning more "swing theory" as they tackle their positions & catches. French Emmanuelle C. is in pursuit of newer tricks even as she remounts the pedestal w/more ease. Strong Lex R. (father of Max R.) is holding his Straddle Whip better as he better utilizes his stronger swing. A pigtailed Sharron was practicing her turn around before working her returns off her Hox Off. And, the always welcome Alex K. honed her turn around, too, before making some catches & playing w/her Layout.
In the background of our flying, Rebecca S. was practicing her pole dancing for the upcoming Halloween show.
The staff of Randy "Source-of-All-Balls" K., the flyer-formerly-known-as Amy W. & I had some fun of our own, too. Randy was honing his Pirouette return. He was brave & nice enough to hang for my Double.
Attempted catch of my Double:
Amy is gradually getting back on the horse by throwing her Layout OOL & her Splits to catch.
Amy's Splits catch:
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever." - John Keats
"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." - Pearl S. Buck
After learning to remount the pedestal board on her 1st swing (using a quarter-turn) despite her considerable power, cool-customer Allegra G. made her 1st ever out of lines ("OOL" as penned by Jen R.) catch!! She accomplished it using her B/E Straddle Whip. Congratulations, Allegra. Welcome to the next level of your flying.
Allegra's 1st catch (B/E Straddle Whip) out of lines! (Notice the contained smile...)
Allegra's 2nd catch out of lines!
Speaking of the ever-positive Jen R., she learned to press well on her returns. Jen, remember when you wanted your 1st returns so badly? Now, full round trips are almost old hat! Elegant Maryam W. competently worked through our curriculum requirements including turn arounds & half turns. Determined Tanya E. practiced her B/E Splits w/a half turn to the net/mat before making some easy catches.
Tall, smiling Max R. worked out his hands to the point of bleeding, but he accomplished his 1st ever B/E catches ever (using his planche)! Newly minted prodigy Karen G. won some incredulous eye-daggers by also doing her 1st B/E catches ever (using her Splits), too! The adorable Lauri W. was looking buff as she found a nice, consistency w/the tempo of her swing! And, she's getting ever-closer to making her B/E Splits! Soon enough, Lauri. Then, mark my words, you'll be looking back at all this w/a laugh.
The previously feisty Galit E. is not only catching her B/E Planche OOL but also working her returns OOL now! Nice work, Galit. Interesting Colleen P. & bright-spirited Lidia T. are both learning more "swing theory" as they tackle their positions & catches. French Emmanuelle C. is in pursuit of newer tricks even as she remounts the pedestal w/more ease. Strong Lex R. (father of Max R.) is holding his Straddle Whip better as he better utilizes his stronger swing. A pigtailed Sharron was practicing her turn around before working her returns off her Hox Off. And, the always welcome Alex K. honed her turn around, too, before making some catches & playing w/her Layout.
In the background of our flying, Rebecca S. was practicing her pole dancing for the upcoming Halloween show.
The staff of Randy "Source-of-All-Balls" K., the flyer-formerly-known-as Amy W. & I had some fun of our own, too. Randy was honing his Pirouette return. He was brave & nice enough to hang for my Double.
Attempted catch of my Double:
Amy is gradually getting back on the horse by throwing her Layout OOL & her Splits to catch.
Amy's Splits catch:
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever." - John Keats
"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." - Pearl S. Buck
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007, Brooklyn, NY
It started out as any other day of flying, but there was promise & potential in the air...!
Focused & fun Emily S.'s Hox Saulto is looking high & safe enough to catch! We'll be hanging for that soon enough. Young, beautiful & intelligent Willa had a breakthrough: no longer "hollowing" early! This aided her in getting into her B/E Straddle Whip more easily. The determined & easy-going Danielle took a few hits in her battle w/her elusive Planche. Hang in there, Danielle; you'll conquer it one way or another. Billy Wearing his Superman t-shirt, little Romy had fun w/a few swings & flying over the length of our net/mat. Jen M. was as pleasant-spirited as ever as she flew well w/her Set Whip positions & catches. Still thinking too much, Liv H. tried wrapping her head around the Set Straddle Whip.
The lithe & worldly Emma S. mustered up her energy, showing us her stronger swing. She could've, would've & should've had THREE returns off her Hox Off if she only REALLY wanted the bar! The lovely, shy Nicole A. improved her swing a bit before throwing a one of her best ever Uprise Shoots followed by some easy B/E Splits catches. Round trips should be in Nicole's classes all the time. The young, beautiful, smart Maya F. was on her game again as she easily made her catches & returns. It's time for Maya to up the ante on her bag of tricks.
From Independent Lake Camp, young flyers Marni, Michelle & Clara showed us their stuff! Marni had the fun of trying out a Double Cut Away. Michelle made a return off her B/E catch. And, Clara was looking strong w/her Layout catch. I hope to see each of them again soon.
Our Bobby H. had some of his nieces come in to play on the rig. There was Janey, Cassie, Cara & Melanie the natural. Their hands were shot well before we could go for catches, so they got to play on the silks a little after flying.
The elegant Maryam W. We had the pleasure & privilege of flying w/the perma-laughing, world traveling Jean L.! Her swing is looking stronger than ever as she played w/each of her tricks, getting used to our rig & giggling the whole time! Feisty Galit E. brought Things 1 & 2 and got to swing out some not-so-bright feelings. Good for you, Galit. Little, tense-bodied Paulina developed her B/E Straddle Whip enough for catches! She made her 1st B/E catches ever this day!
Speaking of 1st times: Randy "the source of all balls" K. gave me the confidence & coaching necessary to throw my Double once again for the 1st time in a very long time (months!). Before long, I threw my 1st ones out of lines!! This was the culmination & goal from the very beginning of my trapeze career. A few of you stated, "I didn't even know you were working on your Double...!?" LOL I wasn't.
My 1st Doubles out of lines!
I thank Randy for helping me renew my love of flying & showing me that, as I've told my students, anything is really possible. I'm gonna pass this new passion & daring along to the rest of you! I can hardly wait to see what we can do now...!
"We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aid, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn." - Henry David Thoreau
Focused & fun Emily S.'s Hox Saulto is looking high & safe enough to catch! We'll be hanging for that soon enough. Young, beautiful & intelligent Willa had a breakthrough: no longer "hollowing" early! This aided her in getting into her B/E Straddle Whip more easily. The determined & easy-going Danielle took a few hits in her battle w/her elusive Planche. Hang in there, Danielle; you'll conquer it one way or another. Billy Wearing his Superman t-shirt, little Romy had fun w/a few swings & flying over the length of our net/mat. Jen M. was as pleasant-spirited as ever as she flew well w/her Set Whip positions & catches. Still thinking too much, Liv H. tried wrapping her head around the Set Straddle Whip.
The lithe & worldly Emma S. mustered up her energy, showing us her stronger swing. She could've, would've & should've had THREE returns off her Hox Off if she only REALLY wanted the bar! The lovely, shy Nicole A. improved her swing a bit before throwing a one of her best ever Uprise Shoots followed by some easy B/E Splits catches. Round trips should be in Nicole's classes all the time. The young, beautiful, smart Maya F. was on her game again as she easily made her catches & returns. It's time for Maya to up the ante on her bag of tricks.
From Independent Lake Camp, young flyers Marni, Michelle & Clara showed us their stuff! Marni had the fun of trying out a Double Cut Away. Michelle made a return off her B/E catch. And, Clara was looking strong w/her Layout catch. I hope to see each of them again soon.
Our Bobby H. had some of his nieces come in to play on the rig. There was Janey, Cassie, Cara & Melanie the natural. Their hands were shot well before we could go for catches, so they got to play on the silks a little after flying.
The elegant Maryam W. We had the pleasure & privilege of flying w/the perma-laughing, world traveling Jean L.! Her swing is looking stronger than ever as she played w/each of her tricks, getting used to our rig & giggling the whole time! Feisty Galit E. brought Things 1 & 2 and got to swing out some not-so-bright feelings. Good for you, Galit. Little, tense-bodied Paulina developed her B/E Straddle Whip enough for catches! She made her 1st B/E catches ever this day!
Speaking of 1st times: Randy "the source of all balls" K. gave me the confidence & coaching necessary to throw my Double once again for the 1st time in a very long time (months!). Before long, I threw my 1st ones out of lines!! This was the culmination & goal from the very beginning of my trapeze career. A few of you stated, "I didn't even know you were working on your Double...!?" LOL I wasn't.
My 1st Doubles out of lines!
I thank Randy for helping me renew my love of flying & showing me that, as I've told my students, anything is really possible. I'm gonna pass this new passion & daring along to the rest of you! I can hardly wait to see what we can do now...!
"We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aid, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn." - Henry David Thoreau
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007, Brooklyn, NY
This Tuesday, we flew in the 1st session of our newest Swing, Catch & Return program.
The 1st group all made the Half Turn catches! Despite having a few wks off, Allegra G. was flying tighter than ever both on the trapeze & trampoline.
Allegra's Back Layouts on trampoline:
Tight-bodied Thais K. is developing her flying nicely out of lines. The earnest Kristin R. had a great night! She remounted the pedestal board for her 1st time before learning AND catching her Half Turn for her 1st time, too! Excellent flying, Kristin! Kristin M. & Maryam both started learning & catching their Half Turns.
Feisty Galit E. made an easy return & dusted off her Flexus Flexus. Maggie F. made a return off her B/E Split. Ever-bright Lidia T. showed initiative by going for her B/E Whips for her 1st times! Good work, Lidia! Interesting Colleen P. is tweaking swing her swing & catching her B/E Whip. Tall Max R. & adorable Lauri W. are slowly finding their swing tempos. Max has moved onto a good unassisted take-off while easily catching his Set Planche. He's more than ready for B/E positions. Mark my words: he'll be catching his B/E Planche very soon...! Lauri is fighting the good fight as she goes for her B/E Split.
French Emmanuelle C. was easily making her "go to" B/E Bird's Nest catches as she tweaks her swing & makes herself ready for new tricks. Quick-study Karen G. started on the B/E of her swing w/promising results. If only we can tame her wild hands during catches. Legal eagle Sharron C. is looking very comfortable w/her Hox Off catches by controlling her rotation off the bar. Ever-comfortable Alex K. is looking stronger swing; the time w/the legendary Peter Gold has been good to her!
"The only force that can overcome an idea and a faith is another and better idea and faith, positively and fearlessly upheld." - Dorothy Thompson
Have faith in your flying...
The 1st group all made the Half Turn catches! Despite having a few wks off, Allegra G. was flying tighter than ever both on the trapeze & trampoline.
Allegra's Back Layouts on trampoline:
Tight-bodied Thais K. is developing her flying nicely out of lines. The earnest Kristin R. had a great night! She remounted the pedestal board for her 1st time before learning AND catching her Half Turn for her 1st time, too! Excellent flying, Kristin! Kristin M. & Maryam both started learning & catching their Half Turns.
Feisty Galit E. made an easy return & dusted off her Flexus Flexus. Maggie F. made a return off her B/E Split. Ever-bright Lidia T. showed initiative by going for her B/E Whips for her 1st times! Good work, Lidia! Interesting Colleen P. is tweaking swing her swing & catching her B/E Whip. Tall Max R. & adorable Lauri W. are slowly finding their swing tempos. Max has moved onto a good unassisted take-off while easily catching his Set Planche. He's more than ready for B/E positions. Mark my words: he'll be catching his B/E Planche very soon...! Lauri is fighting the good fight as she goes for her B/E Split.
French Emmanuelle C. was easily making her "go to" B/E Bird's Nest catches as she tweaks her swing & makes herself ready for new tricks. Quick-study Karen G. started on the B/E of her swing w/promising results. If only we can tame her wild hands during catches. Legal eagle Sharron C. is looking very comfortable w/her Hox Off catches by controlling her rotation off the bar. Ever-comfortable Alex K. is looking stronger swing; the time w/the legendary Peter Gold has been good to her!
"The only force that can overcome an idea and a faith is another and better idea and faith, positively and fearlessly upheld." - Dorothy Thompson
Have faith in your flying...
Saturday to Sunday, September 15 to 16, 2007, Kent, CT
This weekend, from Friday night to Sunday, was Club Getaway's Boomer weekend. It was mixed in w/some Columbia students & families at a corporate getaway. But, most of the high flying featured in this post are w/the diverse, wonderful Heather W. & the brave, capable Jayne D. I was joined this wkend w/Manny "the Machine" M. & playful Ann Marie Y.
Heather's Layout catch & return:
Heather's Shooting Star catch & return:
Heather's Shooting Star catch & return (2nd):
Heather's Mod (Back Hip Circle Release):
Jayne's B/E Whip catch & return:
Jayne's Pull Over Forward Over:
"What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful." - The Dalai Lama
Heather's Layout catch & return:
Heather's Shooting Star catch & return:
Heather's Shooting Star catch & return (2nd):
Heather's Mod (Back Hip Circle Release):
Jayne's B/E Whip catch & return:
Jayne's Pull Over Forward Over:
"What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful." - The Dalai Lama
Wednesday, September 12, 2007, Brooklyn, NY
(to be included soon...!)
Staff training
Verane's Knee Hang:
"Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win." - Bernadette Devlin
Staff training
Verane's Knee Hang:
"Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win." - Bernadette Devlin
Friday to Sunday, September 7 to 9, 2007, Kent, CT
(more to be included soon...!)
Club Getaway Intensive Trapeze Weekend
Me & my Catherine:

Skye, Maryam & Tatiana on board:

Scott showing there's no vanity in trapeze!

Exhausted Marisa:

Zane in the catch trap:

Some silks in the boathouse:

Zane teaching static trapeze:

Me & perma-jovial Jen:

Adorable, awesome Zane:

Gang of flyers having some nightly fun:

"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it." - Pablo Picasso
Club Getaway Intensive Trapeze Weekend
Me & my Catherine:

Skye, Maryam & Tatiana on board:
Scott showing there's no vanity in trapeze!

Exhausted Marisa:

Zane in the catch trap:

Some silks in the boathouse:
Zane teaching static trapeze:
Me & perma-jovial Jen:

Adorable, awesome Zane:

Gang of flyers having some nightly fun:

"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it." - Pablo Picasso
Thursday, September 6, 2007, Brookly, NY
(more to be included soon...!)
We started off the first S.H.O.W. (Super High Output Workshop) session on numerous positive flying notes! Some of the highlights included:
Kristin R. not only remounted the pedestal board for her 1st time ever, but she also learned AND caught her Half Turn all in one night!
Susie, Jen, Jeff, Dino, Allegra, Thais & Emily:

Allegra's B/E Split w/half turn to net/mat:
Emily's Straight Jump:
Jen's Cut Away:
(invalid file format)
Thais' Uprise Shoot:
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France
We started off the first S.H.O.W. (Super High Output Workshop) session on numerous positive flying notes! Some of the highlights included:
Kristin R. not only remounted the pedestal board for her 1st time ever, but she also learned AND caught her Half Turn all in one night!
Susie, Jen, Jeff, Dino, Allegra, Thais & Emily:

Allegra's B/E Split w/half turn to net/mat:
Emily's Straight Jump:
Jen's Cut Away:
(invalid file format)
Thais' Uprise Shoot:
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France
Wednesday, September 5, 2007, Brooklyn, NY
On this Wednesday night, we started off the evening w/some staff training & flying, then ended off the night w/some fun flying by some students. We even had a Brazilian TV shoot during the start of the night.
During staff training, Chem practiced his swing w/Egon & Keith getting some time in the catch trap. University student, Whit, stopped by for the 1st time to our little rig to acquaint herself w/ESTA. Ami practiced working the board before making a F/E Split catch. Our Susie W. hung in the catch trap to catch an Uprise Shoot (mine) for her 1st time! The talented Lisa R. made a layout catch & return w/me before timing some Doubles.
In the class that followed, Lex R. owned his b/e straddle whip better than ever! Son Max R. honed his swing a little more before making an easy Planche catch. French Emmanuelle C. branched out her training w/some Cut Aways. And, strong, little, fashionable Paulina looked good w/her Pull Over Shoot. As versatile as ever, our Susie W. caught the class!
In the backdrop of our indoor space, the fiery-locked Jordan B. was teaching silks, and Fabio was conducting his popular Flip/Tuck class w/Streb members as participants including powerhouse Ami, beautifully lithe Sarah, charismatic Chem & ever-effervescent Mary-J!
"Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement." - Alfred Adler
During staff training, Chem practiced his swing w/Egon & Keith getting some time in the catch trap. University student, Whit, stopped by for the 1st time to our little rig to acquaint herself w/ESTA. Ami practiced working the board before making a F/E Split catch. Our Susie W. hung in the catch trap to catch an Uprise Shoot (mine) for her 1st time! The talented Lisa R. made a layout catch & return w/me before timing some Doubles.
In the class that followed, Lex R. owned his b/e straddle whip better than ever! Son Max R. honed his swing a little more before making an easy Planche catch. French Emmanuelle C. branched out her training w/some Cut Aways. And, strong, little, fashionable Paulina looked good w/her Pull Over Shoot. As versatile as ever, our Susie W. caught the class!
In the backdrop of our indoor space, the fiery-locked Jordan B. was teaching silks, and Fabio was conducting his popular Flip/Tuck class w/Streb members as participants including powerhouse Ami, beautifully lithe Sarah, charismatic Chem & ever-effervescent Mary-J!
"Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement." - Alfred Adler
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007, Brooklyn, NY
The lithe & worldly Emma S. came in for the 2nd day in a row to hone her swing. She pushed her endurance to new levels & her hands to new limits! The lovely Nicole A. also returned for more flying for her 2nd day in a row! She's learning to open her shoulders more in the F/E of her swing. She made some easy catches w/our Hal & even started developing her Face Off.
My Catherine R.S. is making progress w/the B/E of her swing; hopefully, she'll be continuing her training as frequently as now! Fairly new (albeit very promising) flyer Billy P. caught his F/E Whip for his 1st time after working on that same position for 3 weeks at a different, Manhattan-based flying trapeze location! He also learned & caught his F/E Planche during the same class as well as tried out his Pull Over Shoot AND F/E Straddle Whip!
"You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day." - Marian Wright Edelman
My Catherine R.S. is making progress w/the B/E of her swing; hopefully, she'll be continuing her training as frequently as now! Fairly new (albeit very promising) flyer Billy P. caught his F/E Whip for his 1st time after working on that same position for 3 weeks at a different, Manhattan-based flying trapeze location! He also learned & caught his F/E Planche during the same class as well as tried out his Pull Over Shoot AND F/E Straddle Whip!
"You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day." - Marian Wright Edelman
Saturday, September 1, 2007, Brooklyn, NY
It was a nice show of force w/many good flyers starting off the day & a decent group of newbies ending it off...!
Making the most of her time State-side, the lithe & worldly Emma S. worked on adding the half turn to her descent to the mat/net. The lovely Nicole A. honed her Uprise Fwd Over a bit before catching & returning her B/E Splits.
Feisty Galit E. brought Things 1's & 2's demure babysitter as well as friend Naftalie so the two could try out our passion. Both the babysitter & Naftalie made their 1st KH catches!
Galit's baby sitter's KH:
Galit dusted off her Flexus & managed to snag a Flexus Flexus soon after!
Workaholic, type A Marisa B. took time away from the legal world to work on her Layout:
The talented, beautiful Maya F. refrained from her Uprises (though she does them easily!) & made a nice B/E Splits catch & return. Tense-bodied, jovial Paulina R. almost perfected her Pull Over Shoot; she just has to get over her fears of colliding w/catchers!
The group of newbies did well for their 1st times! They included Sandy, Jen, Winnie, Sarah B. & token-male Sean F. Pulling their best tricks out just in time for catching, friends Sandy, Winnie & Jen each made their 1st catches! Sarah B. did so well that she was pretty much a text book example of a Knee Hang as she made her catch for her 1st time, too!
Sandy's Knee Hang:
Sarah's Knee Hang:
Jen's Knee Hang catch:
"To cement a new friendship, especially between foreigners or persons of a different social world, a spark with which both were secretly charged must fly from person to person, and cut across the accidents of place and time." - The Ape in Me, 1959, Cornelia Otis Skinner
Making the most of her time State-side, the lithe & worldly Emma S. worked on adding the half turn to her descent to the mat/net. The lovely Nicole A. honed her Uprise Fwd Over a bit before catching & returning her B/E Splits.
Feisty Galit E. brought Things 1's & 2's demure babysitter as well as friend Naftalie so the two could try out our passion. Both the babysitter & Naftalie made their 1st KH catches!
Galit's baby sitter's KH:
Galit dusted off her Flexus & managed to snag a Flexus Flexus soon after!
Workaholic, type A Marisa B. took time away from the legal world to work on her Layout:
The talented, beautiful Maya F. refrained from her Uprises (though she does them easily!) & made a nice B/E Splits catch & return. Tense-bodied, jovial Paulina R. almost perfected her Pull Over Shoot; she just has to get over her fears of colliding w/catchers!
The group of newbies did well for their 1st times! They included Sandy, Jen, Winnie, Sarah B. & token-male Sean F. Pulling their best tricks out just in time for catching, friends Sandy, Winnie & Jen each made their 1st catches! Sarah B. did so well that she was pretty much a text book example of a Knee Hang as she made her catch for her 1st time, too!
Sandy's Knee Hang:
Sarah's Knee Hang:
Jen's Knee Hang catch:
"To cement a new friendship, especially between foreigners or persons of a different social world, a spark with which both were secretly charged must fly from person to person, and cut across the accidents of place and time." - The Ape in Me, 1959, Cornelia Otis Skinner
Tuesday to Thursday, August 28 to 30, 2007, Kent, CT
Up in Kent, CT at Club Getaway, the air is clean & bracing, the water is warm & inviting, the flying is fun & uplifting...!
For a few days during Family Week, I had the pleasure of working & flying w/the fearless leader of CG's circus programs, Beth F. Also in the air & out of lines was the diverse, dancing, intellectual Ann-Marie Y. as well as the gentlemanly Kieran.
Ann-Marie's F/E Splits catch:
Beth's B/E Splits catch & return:
Beth's B/E Straddle Whip catch & return:
Lead by their comely matriarch, Lisa, siblings Luke, Noah, Colin & their baby sister w/curls enjoyed their time at CG. Noah grew in prowess & confidence as he tried trapeze more & more; he eventually got his KH & Back Flip! Young & reserved Colin was a confident natural in the air. Eldest Luke turned out to be a flying dynamo, learning AND catching multiple tricks in only three days! KH, Heels Off, Straddle Whip & Planche! I hope to fly w/him again someday.
Luke's Bird's Nest:
Luke's Heels Off:
Luke's Straddle Whip:
The family of Colin, Trudy & Valerie came all the way from PA to sample the air up there. Both Colin & Trudy tried out a few swings. Young, math-minded Valerie learned & caught both her KH & Heels Off!
I saw twins Jordan & Justin roaming around the village trying out everything from flying to basketball. Quiet Katie, young Piper, adventurous Muriel & adept Oliver each made their 1st KH catches! Kids Defne, Grace & Zack each tried out some flying, too. And, not to be shown up, Joanne & Alice showed that age is just mind over matter: if you don't mind, it don't matter.
"Nor need we power or splendor, wide hall or lordly dome; the good, the true, the tender -- these form the wealth of home." - Sarah J. Hale
"The voice of parents is the voice of gods, for to their children they are heaven's lieutenants." - Shakespeare
For a few days during Family Week, I had the pleasure of working & flying w/the fearless leader of CG's circus programs, Beth F. Also in the air & out of lines was the diverse, dancing, intellectual Ann-Marie Y. as well as the gentlemanly Kieran.
Ann-Marie's F/E Splits catch:
Beth's B/E Splits catch & return:
Beth's B/E Straddle Whip catch & return:
Lead by their comely matriarch, Lisa, siblings Luke, Noah, Colin & their baby sister w/curls enjoyed their time at CG. Noah grew in prowess & confidence as he tried trapeze more & more; he eventually got his KH & Back Flip! Young & reserved Colin was a confident natural in the air. Eldest Luke turned out to be a flying dynamo, learning AND catching multiple tricks in only three days! KH, Heels Off, Straddle Whip & Planche! I hope to fly w/him again someday.
Luke's Bird's Nest:
Luke's Heels Off:
Luke's Straddle Whip:
The family of Colin, Trudy & Valerie came all the way from PA to sample the air up there. Both Colin & Trudy tried out a few swings. Young, math-minded Valerie learned & caught both her KH & Heels Off!
I saw twins Jordan & Justin roaming around the village trying out everything from flying to basketball. Quiet Katie, young Piper, adventurous Muriel & adept Oliver each made their 1st KH catches! Kids Defne, Grace & Zack each tried out some flying, too. And, not to be shown up, Joanne & Alice showed that age is just mind over matter: if you don't mind, it don't matter.
"Nor need we power or splendor, wide hall or lordly dome; the good, the true, the tender -- these form the wealth of home." - Sarah J. Hale
"The voice of parents is the voice of gods, for to their children they are heaven's lieutenants." - Shakespeare
Monday, August 27, 2007, Brooklyn, NY
I haven't been an instructor on Monday nights for a while; it appears that there's a growing number of regulars for that night...!
I got the pleasure of flying once again w/the lissom Ann W. She was playing around w/her myriad of tricks before throwing & catching her Forward Over w/me! I haven't gotten to fly w/the free spirited Marcie B. is so long. Her swing has gotten nice & consistent; she should be working on only B/E tricks! (Hint, hint) Marcie (too) easily made her F/E Whip catches. The agile Kitao S. grows in strength & prowess by each time I see him! His Double Back Tuck is good to go; we just need to hang for it before the night grows long & he grows fatigued! Our Bobby's friend, CJ, made his 1st KH catch ever! Pragmatic Edie compared teaching styles & lingo as she tweaked her B/E
Split & made a catch. The powerful & tight Keith bettered his B/E Planche by keeping his head up.
My Catherine R.S. returned to the air to work on the B/E of her swing w/promising results! The strong & even-tempered Lex R.'s swing is stronger than ever as he fights to take the "bounce" out of his B/E Straddle Whip. Brawny Egon worked on his F/E Straddle Whip before making a Hox style KH catch. Rounding out the night, Angela B. made her 1st F/E Splits catch!
"Not only is another world possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." - Arundhati Roy
I got the pleasure of flying once again w/the lissom Ann W. She was playing around w/her myriad of tricks before throwing & catching her Forward Over w/me! I haven't gotten to fly w/the free spirited Marcie B. is so long. Her swing has gotten nice & consistent; she should be working on only B/E tricks! (Hint, hint) Marcie (too) easily made her F/E Whip catches. The agile Kitao S. grows in strength & prowess by each time I see him! His Double Back Tuck is good to go; we just need to hang for it before the night grows long & he grows fatigued! Our Bobby's friend, CJ, made his 1st KH catch ever! Pragmatic Edie compared teaching styles & lingo as she tweaked her B/E
Split & made a catch. The powerful & tight Keith bettered his B/E Planche by keeping his head up.
My Catherine R.S. returned to the air to work on the B/E of her swing w/promising results! The strong & even-tempered Lex R.'s swing is stronger than ever as he fights to take the "bounce" out of his B/E Straddle Whip. Brawny Egon worked on his F/E Straddle Whip before making a Hox style KH catch. Rounding out the night, Angela B. made her 1st F/E Splits catch!
"Not only is another world possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." - Arundhati Roy
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